Ethical Yacht Wear: On Tour Championing Sustainability

With yacht show season approaching, we wanted to give you an insight into where Ethical Yacht Wear will be in the next couple of months and what we are getting up to.


Around this time last year, we wrote a blog post on the sustainable initiatives that yacht shows were championing, and this year, there are even more in the pipeline at and around the events. 


This autumn, we will be Europe-bound, attending a few key events and spreading our sustainability ethos far and wide throughout the yachting community. 


Antibes – Pearls of Wisdom: The Resilience Voyage: Nurturing crew mental health 


First, we will be in Antibes on 22nd-23rd September at the Pearls of Wisdom event. This is a great community of ex-yacht crew. They have held various events over the years to support women leaving the industry, and this year is all about ‘nurturing crew’s physical and mental health.’ 


Sustainability isn’t just about the environmental and ecological impacts, but equally the social impact and our people within the industry. 


A cause close to our hearts at EYW, as ex-crew, we value the support developing out there for crew to improve the well-being and mental health of the crew – they are the cogs of the industry, and without them, it wouldn’t function. 


This event has various experts, organizations, and panel discussions surrounding the very important topic. We are excited to be able to join and support this community. 


Monaco – MYS: Stepping up Sustainability at the shows 


We can’t be over in Europe without attending the show of all shows! So, of course, we will be at the Monaco Yacht Show on 27th-30th September. 


Last year, Monaco featured their sustainability hub, and this year, it has it lined up again, showcasing the great sustainable initiatives and companies within the industry. They also hold the Smart and Sustainable Marina Awards, highlighting the marinas making a difference. 


If you would like to meet us in Monaco to discuss sustainability in the industry or better solutions for more sustainable crew uniform, do not hesitate to get in contact! 


Paris – Paris Fashion Week: Circular Catwalks 


Although not directly yachting related, we will head to Paris in time for Paris Fashion Week. Our good friend and ex-crew member Randi Barry is there with her line, ‘Summer on the Seine,’ a fusion of yachting, Parisian influence, and sustainable fashion. The collection reflects the ongoing efforts to clean up the Seine, offering the opportunity to experience the joy of swimming in the iconic river. 


At Ethical Yacht Wear, we know how important sustainability is for the fashion and textile industry, and today, it is creeping up even higher on agendas, including at big shows such as Paris. 


We are excited to see the designers’ latest take on sustainable fashion at the show. Trends that we love to see are the increased use of circular and infinitely recyclable materials. We also love witnessing the brands at fashion shows that aim to positively impact people and the planet, just like we are doing with our sustainable yacht crew uniform and resort wear. 


As an official supporter of the Plasticbank initiative, we have already removed over half a million plastic bottles from our oceans and provided vital necessities to over 440 families. Our circular business model is one we love to see other fashion brands also adopting these values and initiatives. 


Mallorca – Dohle Yachts & Superyacht Charities: Swing for sustainability 


The next and final step on our European tour is Mallorca for two exciting golfing events. First up is the private Dohle Yachts golfing event on the 11th of October. The management company has some great sustainability initiatives and is always at the forefront of making positive change. To develop their environmental policies, they team up with Yacht Carbon Offset, ClimateCare, and the Isle of Man Beachbuddies beach cleaning charity. When it comes to supporting crew, Dohle also supports cadets at Warsash with their sponsorship programmes. 


The next day, we will be at the Superyacht Charities golfing event. Superyacht Charities is an organization we are always keen to support; we encourage and take part in their philanthropic approaches. Each year, they raise funds for causes globally, and these sensational events help them do so. 


Seeing organizations like this in our industry is why we hope things can change for the better.


Let’s meet up! 


We cannot wait for this line-up of events, a chance for us to come together as an industry, network and support, but most importantly, continue to spread our sustainability ethos and message throughout. 


If you are going to be at or around any of the above events and want to learn more about our sustainable yacht crew uniform product lines or our sustainability agenda and efforts, please let us know. Our founder, Lauren Wardley, will be available for meet-ups to discuss all things uniform and sustainability! 

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